
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What I cooked these days

All day breakfast challenge comes from the egg. How to make it fluffy n soft like what you get out there? The secret is to use a non stick pan heated w butter and add milk and butter to your eggs before pouring to the pan!

Japanese curry is really a no brainer but tad too salty from the mixture pack.

Korean ramen taste the best with more spicyness to the sauce and please add kimchi to it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

High Tea @ Arteastiq

The long weekend last week, I went for high tea with the girls :) 

Arteastiq @ Mandarin Gallery

The high tea set for 2 cost $48++ and comes with 2 drinks and a tower of snacks. 

The ice cream tea wasn't as nice as the original tea :(

This place didn't fare as well as the other high tea places I have been to.

I recently picked up some simple culinary skills to curb my nonsense cravings. Maybe I'll share the pics some day.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Windows 7 cannot download exe files or install applications!

I'm currently using a 13 inch netbook from ASUS and surprisingly, this lightweight baby can do many amazing things like run adobe photoshop. I'm really glad that I bought this tiny machine for my daily simple computer usage e.g. watch videos, backup iphone, transfer photos and surf the net.

The only application I couldn't run on this machine was probably photoscape, but that's fine not to use.

Several months back I had issues installing online video streaming programs but I just left that at the back of my mind and skipped watching them. I've been researching on this problem on and off through this week, and I got on to try the solutions yesterday.

There are so many online guides that state about changing registry, but please don't do that until you have tried the following simpler methods that worked for me.

1) update windows security patches.
2) delete and download again the latest browser version
3) remove firewall and security settings
4) it may be an issue of the corrupted file on the server provided by the source. So try downloading something else e.g. chrome exe file.

Monday, July 16, 2012

My mushroom head

I went for hair dye and cut abt 2-3 weeks back at Far East Plaza. Actually, I was flipping through some Taiwanese mags at the salon and I thought, how much can my hair change since its already so short?

I requested for Xiao S hair and the stylist looked very 为难. Haha. Anyways it turned out ok la. The stylist was so proud of his work that he asked his boss to take pics w DSLR. Wow.

His boss thought otherwise... Oh wells. Haha. Still, a cheap alternative to pocket bombs elsewhere :D

Friday, June 22, 2012

Aldo Toop Boots Review!

I walked so far back home from the post office with this huge torn box which I recently spree-ed for :) Even though the box was torn, the content was in good condition!

I couldn't wait to see my boots that was a whooping 1.85kg stated by the spree organiser. Sheesh.

Ta-dah! the lovely boots with thick soles, foldover removable socks. There's also buckle on the side to look cuter when worn without socks. heeh. 

Unfortunately, it's abit too small for me. It's difficult for me to take out my legs if I wore it with the socks. I don't know if I should sell this away! If nobody wants to buy it then i'll have to squeeze in like mad for the upcoming rainy season. I'm ready for you, without the socks. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

e luan bi, kenting, Taiwan

Abit more on my Taiwan trip... From Kaohsiung, it took about 1.5hours via car to Kenting. We took a private cab that could ferry up to 7 people. It cost about NT$400. There were many of these drivers approaching travellers near the bus terminal for bus towards Kenting. The 2hours bus ride probably cost about NT$350-NT$400.

So we arrived at E Luan Bi that cost about NT$120 admission, student card would be half the price. 

There were so many people selling cute ornaments but I didn't want to clutter my home with unnecessary stuff.

This is what you go E Luan Bi for. It's the southern most tip of Taiwan and there's a lighthouse by the sea. 

 Awesome wind and adequate sun calls for more camwhoring. 

 This path led towards the sea side which was pretty awesome too. Will share more the next time! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What I wore today

Thevelvetdolls peasant blouse in nude pink.
Red high waist shorts from Bangkok.
Fendi inspired shoes from Taiwan.

Shorts are awesome on warm days! If only work allows shorts on extremely warm days......

I love lazy weekends so that I can put on makeup and head to town for all the yummy food ;)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Burger king breakfast is awesome!

I like how warm the burger is when I receive it! It's still warm after a cab drive to work :) The coffee perks me up for the whole day. I'm going for it again tomorrow!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

dayrentking review 愛租王评价

This review is to give insights to potential dayrentking customers about the substandard room that I was given during my trip to Taipei in April 2012.

I have purchase 4 nights for a room for 4 pax (dubbed as Totoro room). For room details refer to:

The cost was a total of NT$10374 (exclusive of NT$10 and 3.9% paypal charges).

Good points of the room: 
1) superb location. it's the building next to the City hall MTR station exit 4. It's about 5 mins walk from Taipei 101 shopping district

That was probably the only good point I could relate to.

 The main issue with dayrentking was that, the information stated on the website was not reflective of what we should expect as a guest.

Bad points of the room: 
 1. Substandard room! The room was on the roof and looked like a make-shift container room without proper walls.  

2. Unsecured! It felt so unsecured from natural disasters like rain storms, lightning, typhoons (Taiwan have these frequently!). I believe intruders could go up to the roof to the room and peep into the window, hang around on the roof or do anything illegal since it was already “outside” the building without security controls.

3.  Dangerous! During the night, it was dark except for some Xmas lighting on the floor for us to stay clear from slight pipe bumps on the ground. Basically it also boils down to the second point on storms etc

4.  No lift like mentioned on the website! The building lift stops at level 6 and does not go to “level 7” where the roof is located. Also, upon entering the building at the front door, there is a short flight of stairs to carry my luggage up before the lift is available. 

5.  Unkempt! I reached at about 2pm and it was in a big mess left behind by the last tenant. Dayrentking would only pack it up in the afternoon before 7pm (I believe so). It left a bad impression for me even though it was acceptable. 

 6. We have to be under the rain once we leave our room! As the room was on the roof, it's a distance from the stairs which was the only way we could get down the building. We will need to brave the rain if it rains just to get to the stairs. See picture below for the door to the stairs...

To live on the roof is pretty common in Taiwan, the roof top homes are commonly known as 顶楼加盖. According to online sources (such as, such roof top homes are fairly profitable due to low cost and high rental yield. However, it is against the Taiwanese laws to have 顶楼加盖 and the country is in the midst of removing such rooms.

I did not want to risk my vacation to unsecured living space and therefore I made a call to dayrentking to ask for an exchange of room or a refund. Dayrentking initially asked for cancellation charges but we managed to bring our facts and concerns to them. Fortunately, they refunded the amount in NTD made to them to the credit card. However, we made several losses such as exchange rates $ and phone calls $ (we used our home cellphone numbers to make calls and it was really a hassle trying to talk to dayrentking and getting to the right person who could gave specific information). We also wasted the evening trying to call dayrentking and facilitate the refund and to look for new hotels.

It was a daunting experience and many of my friends cannot believe it when they saw the images of the roof top room. We were lucky that Taipei was a modernized city with many alternative rooms available for us and we had spare money on our trip for alternative rooms.

Tip for travel to Taipei: To book accommodation earlier as popular rooms run out pretty early. There are many new 3* hotels going at affordable rates of about NT1200-1500 per night (2 pax).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Watermelon nails

DIY nail art.
Red - OPI
Dark green - China Glaze
Light green - mix China Glaze and Étude House
Black - Étude house
White - Étude house

Sunday, May 6, 2012


awesome sakura tree right smack in danshui, taipei.